
The Innovation | Season’s Greeting: 我们这一年!

Han Franzer Hsu TheInnovation创新 2021-06-26


Bye 2020, Hello 2021!

To whom it may concern, 

We’d like to highly express our appreciation for your contribution to The Innovation on behalf of the Editorial Board. Thanks so much for your submission, peer review, handling, promotion, etc.

The Innovation” launched in 2020 and rigorously follows the same peer review, editorial, and publishing standards of Cell. There are 168 Editorial members from 20 countries and > 45% of them are outside China, and their research interests cover all disciplines of science. We are pleased to announce that three Executive Editors of Oncology / Geoscience / Physics have been appointed. In 2020, three issues were published in May, August, and November. In 2021, four issues will be published in February, May, August, and November. A number of Editorial members submitted their articles to this journal and we highly appreciated it.

We really thank the authors who trust that the journal would be ranked as a top journal in the field of multidisciplinary sciences. We deeply thank the peer reviewers who demonstrated their professional judgment. We thank the teamwork from the Central Academy of Fine Arts for their qualified work to every figure. We thank the volunteers of next-generation scientists from the Chinese Academy of Sciences and universities for their no salary effort. Last but not least, we highly valued the audiences of The Innovation for your interest in the journal and we expect you to send us your invaluable feedback and ideas for further improvement. 

The Innovation has undergone rapid growth to become a rising star. To promote the published articles, we are applying a lot of social media, such as WeChat, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIin. National media from China, USA, and Australia reported the finding from Issue 1-3. One special case published in Issue 3 achieved > 1 million reading in 24 hours after it was reported by XinhuaNet. World Health Organization (WHO) and Pubmed Central indexed some of our articles. Also The Innovation has been accepted to these databases: DAOJ, ADS, Scopus. So far, more than 80% citations are outside of China. Not surprisingly, the rejection rate has risen sharply to 70%, and the standard sending for review is shifting from IF10+ to IF15+. It’s really something and we are encouraged to do more than that.

If you are looking for a high-quality publishing platform, The Innovation is a good example.

Have an exciting holiday season & wish all of us a great 2021.

Buxing Han, Ian Frazer, Kenneth J. Hsu, on behalf of The Innovation

PLUS 1: Timeline in 2020


January 1  | 创刊词

Issued the Inauguration via WeChat

February 8 | 签订协议

Agreement signed with Cell Press

March 20 | 投审稿系统

Submission system is ready 

April 4 | 首篇文章上线

First paper online 

April 15 | 创刊概念片

Inaugural Video issued 

May 21 | 第一期正式出版

First Issue launched 

May 25 | PMC收录生物医药文章

PubMed Central indexed some papers 

June 22 | 第一次全球编委会议

1st Global Editorial Meeting (Ian Frazer, EIC) 

July 5 |  推广“图表打磨”和"Cover Page"

Campaign—Polish Figure & Table and Make a Cover Page

August 28 | 第二期正式出版

Second Issue published

August 30 | 世界卫生组织收录新冠文章

World Health Organization indexed some papers

September 8 | 第二次全球编委会议

2nd Global Editorial Meeting (Buxing Han, EIC) 

October 10 | 崭新的期刊Logo

Logo designed 

October 26 | 被DOAJ收录

Indexed by DOAJ

November 25 | 第三期正式出版

Third Issue published

November 30 | 被ADS收录

Indexed by ADS

December 17 | 月球取土

News & Buzz—Lunar samples by Chang’e-5

December 25 | 被Scopus收录

Indexed by Scopus

December 31 | 2020年80%引用来自海外

80% citations outside of China 

PLUS 2: Author’s Distribution 


PLUS 3: Promotion


  1. Email Promotion | 精准推送:110万

  2. WeChat | 官微(>40万阅读次数;其中12次单篇微信阅读过万次

  3. Television | 电视台:中国国际电视台(CGTN)+ 澳大利亚国家电视台(ABC

  4. Websites | 网站:超过30万次点击量

  5. Fans | 官微关注人数9600+

PLUS 4: Plan in 2021


 Volume 2, Issue 1: February

● Volume 2, Issue 2: May

 Volume 2, Issue 3: August

● Volume 2, Issue 4: November

PLUS 5: New Logo  


A Journal to See the Unseen & Change the Unchanged




The Innovation创新,在这儿,等你……


PLUS 6:  Brief



The Innovation 是一本由青年科学家与Cell Press共同创办的综合性英文学术期刊:向科学界展示鼓舞人心的跨学科发现,鼓励研究人员专注于科学的本质和自由探索的初心。目前有168位编委会成员,来自20个国家;45%编委来自海外;包含1位诺贝尔奖获得者,26位各国院士;领域覆盖全部自然科学。










